Tag Archives: witches

Witches in Contemporary Culture

We’ve been pursuing witch related themes for a while now; I think this is becoming a central line of research for OGOM. This is a very interesting essay by Moze Halperin on the power of contemporary witch narratives, such as … Continue reading

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Burn the Witch

I’ve just been alerted to this by a friend. The music alone is wonderful; the subject and the brilliant video make it a must for OGOM. We were chatting below about disco and Gothic; Sam commented there about folk Gothic … Continue reading

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Disco Magic

But what I’m dancing to tonight, when I’m not swirling in the air on my besom, is this great generic mutation of Mussorgsky–very apt for the hedonism of the 1970s New York club scene.

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Disney’s Walpurgisnacht

Witches and magical transformations are themes that OGOM will be pursuing over the next year or so. Disney’s wonderful adaptation of Walpurgisnacht in Fantasia (1941) makes full use of the potential of cinematic technology to depict the transformative powers of … Continue reading

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Walpurgisnacht: Musical and textual variations

Sam has posted some fab items on witches below to celebrate Walpurgisnacht, so I’d better follow suit before dawn arrives and the wild partying has to end. The Walpurgisnacht motif has inspired artists in all sorts of media. It’s a … Continue reading

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It’s Walpurgisnacht – get your broomstick ready!

Today is Wapurgisnacht, a night of dark celebrations, also known as Hexennacht or witches night!! I am going to retweet some of our witchy posts from the blog but here are some pictures of the dark sabbath from the archive … Continue reading

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The Witch and Fast Anchor Film Festival 2017

An opportunity for up-and-coming film makers to submit entries to this festival and perhaps win an award. This site also features a review by Charlotte Haley of Robert Eggars’s current film The Witch: A New England Folk-Tale; Charlotte draws briefly … Continue reading

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‘Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble’: Witches, Magic and Demons @TheJohnRylands

I have been blogging quite a lot lately about witches and magic books. I wrote on the Renaissance magician John Dee in ‘It’s a kind of Magic’ and offered some critical thoughts on ‘Sexualising the Witch’ in response to recent … Continue reading

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Night of the Gorgeous Goth Girls: A Paranormal Romance

I’ve done a little retouching and extending to my poem, which envisages a comic Walpurgisnacht scene, with witches wildly celebrating their creativity. It’s a homage to lecturers and students of the Gothic and fantastic. Not sure if it quite works; … Continue reading

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YA Fiction–March 2016

There are some exciting new YA novels appearing this month; this site lists 10 of the best. They’re not all Paranormal Romance (though they all look pretty good), but there are a few which fall into the OGOM sphere. Lady … Continue reading

Posted in Books and Articles, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments