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Tag Archives: witches
Review: Lowry Charles Wimberley, Folklore in the English and Scottish Ballads
This book is a fascinating read in its own right but it is also an invaluable source for my research into fairy literature that I have been pursuing along with Sam as part of the OGOM Project. This is a … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged ballads, ethnology, fairies, Folklore, Ghosts, mermaids, Otherworld, paganism, Werewolves, witches
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Egg Shell Lore: Witches & Fairies
There’s an interesting overlap between witches and fairies in folklore, this is seen, for example, in the shared idea of their uncanny voyages and the unusual vessels they choose to travel in. According to A Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584), witches … Continue reading
Posted in OGOM News, OGOM Research
Tagged A Discovery of Witches, boats, egg folklore, eggshell, fairies, witch boats, witches
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CFPs and Events: Crones, vampires, Alice, Blake, Shelley, Burns Night
An assortment of conference CFPs and calls for articles, plus online events. 1. CFP: Crones, Crime, and the Gothic, In-person Conference, Falmouth University UK, 10-11 June 2022. Deadline: 1 April 2022. Older women have traditionally been portrayed negatively in folklore, … Continue reading
Posted in Call for Articles, CFP (Conferences), Events
Tagged art, fairy tale, Film, Gothic, Lewis Carroll, Percy Shelley, Robert Burns, Romanticism, TV, Vampires, William Blake, witches
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Burns Night: Tam O ‘Shanter
As it’s Burns Night, here’s a link to Robert Burns’s delightfully Gothic poem Tam O ‘Shanter (1791), in which, after a heavy bout of drinking, Tam narrowly escapes the clutches of a horde of witches. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43815/tam-o-shanter
OGOM Gothic New Year Tour
Happy New Year OGOMers. Why not catch up on the dark fest that was Gothic Advent and celebrate 2020 by joining us on 18th January to explore the magical and spectral history of St Albans. Your hosts will be vampire … Continue reading
The Haunted Landscape: Magic and Monsters of the British Isles; 23rd November, Conway Hall, London
‘The Haunted Landscape: Magic and Monsters of the British Isles’ is a one-day symposium on folklore, magic and beyond. Authors and researchers discuss fairies, witchcraft, werewolves, vampires, dragons, the lore of autumn, and the magic of common folk. Up the … Continue reading
OGOM Halloween Countdown: 31 Days of Spookiness
Those who believe that the spirit world and the living world co-exist, always hidden from each other, will see the barrier between them open in the witching hour. Here at OGOM we are leaving the doors of perception open. We … Continue reading
Night of the Gorgeous Goth Girls–again!!
This poem was meant as a light-hearted celebration of all things Gothic, and of scholars and students in the field. I crammed in as many tropes, archetypes, characters, and clichés as I could, torturously straining the rhymes on the rack. … Continue reading
Hallowe’en Greetings From OGOM
Hello OGOMERS, Wishing you a spooktacular Hallowe’en evening!!! We are just back from our Supernatural St Albans Halloween Tour which went down a real treat. Around 40 people engaged in our wonderfully weird history of witches, tortured martyrs, vampire graves, dragons, … Continue reading
OGOM: Spectral St Albans Hallowe’en Tour – booking now
OGOM is proud to announce a special Supernatural St Albans Hallowe’en Tour. We will be exploring the magical and spectral history of Hertfordshire’s finest gothic city. The event is informed by the research we carried out for our ‘Urban Weird‘ … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Gothic Hertfordshire, OGOM News, OGOM Research
Tagged dragons, Ghosts, gothic Hertfordshire, Halloween, St Albans, wicca, witches