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Tag Archives: Welsh folklore
Fairy Resources: bibliographies and links to folklore, myth, and romance writing sources
We’ve set up a new page of Resources following the ‘Ill met by moonlight’ conference. It will be a useful page for material on the conference theme of Gothic fairies and will be continually updated. It holds a partial bibliography … Continue reading
Alan Garner, Flower Maidens and Gothic Animals
This post is a clue to the creature I have chosen to write about for the Gothic Animals edited collection. My choice is influenced by Alan Garner’s The Owl Service (London: Collins, 1967). The novel draws on ‘Math, son of Mathonwy’, an eerie … Continue reading
The Owl Service: 50 years
Around the time I was reading Brian Aldiss (who has just sadly died), I’d also discovered Alan Garner. The Owl Service, his fourth novel, is 50 years old today. The Owl Service is now what would be called Young Adult fiction and … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged adaptation, Alan Garner, Mabinogion, myth, Paranormal romance, Welsh folklore
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I Know What You Did Last Summer: Welsh Bigfoot to rival Old Stinker the Hull Werewolf
Sasquatch, a Yeti or Bigfoot like creature has been spotted in Welsh woodland according to British newspapers. He is now set to rival Old Stinker the Hull Werewolf in the history of British monsters, having been supposedly captured on film. Bigfoot … Continue reading
Posted in Fun stuff, Resources
Tagged Bigfoot, Hull werewolf, Sasquatch, Welsh folklore, Yeti