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Tag Archives: Twilight
Out today! (1 October 2024) OGOM Project’s new book, The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny
The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny, ed. by Dr Sam George and Dr Bill Hughes Out now from Manchester University Press. This collection of essays begins with a Forward, ‘Poldori Revisited’, by the pioneer of … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles, OGOM Research
Tagged Anne Rice, Byron, Frankenstein, Glenarvon, Gothic tourism, Haitian Revolution, John Polidori, Lady Caroline Lamb, Mary Shelley, Neil Jordan, phantasmagoria, Romanticism, spiritualism, the Uncanny, The Vampyre, tuberculosis, Twilight, Vampires
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Return of the vampire: Stephenie Meyer’s Midnight Sun and YA vampire fiction
The Open Graves, Open Minds Project began in 2010, in part as a response to Stephenie Meyer’s hugely successful Twilight series; a Young Adult vampire romance series, the first of which was Twilight (2005). We launched the Project with an … Continue reading
Posted in Resources, Reviews
Tagged Gothic, Nineteenth century, Paranormal romance, Stephenie Meyer, Twilight, Vampires, YA Gothic, YA novels
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Vampires, werewolves, and Jane Austen
I am being interviewed here by Brian from Toothpickings. I talk about vampires and werewolves, the folklore of these creatures and its transmutation into literature. I also make some very tenuous links between this, the Enlightenment, Jane Austen and paranormal … Continue reading
Twilight: feminism and fandom
It’s the ten-year anniversary of the first film of Stephenie Meyers’s Twilight series (Twilight, dir. by Catherine Hardwicke), the YA vampire paranormal romance which became a sensation. Both book and film, and the adulation both received, attracted much criticism, often … Continue reading
CFP: The Vampire in Literature, Culture, and Film, PCA/ACA, 28-31 March 2018, Indianopolis
The Vampire in Literature, Culture, and Film Area is seeking papers for the national joint Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) meeting to be held March 28-31 in Indianapolis, Indiana. We welcome papers on vampires in literature, culture, and film … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences)
Tagged fiction, Film, music, popular culture, subcultures, TV, Twilight, Vampires
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The Postmillennial Vampire
Congratulations to Dr Sue Chaplin of Leeds Beckett University on her new book, The Postmillennial Vampire: Power, Sacrifice and Simulation in True Blood, Twilight and Other Contemporary Narratives, out now from Palgrave Macmillan. This book explores the contemporary figure of … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles
Tagged law, Poppy Z. Brite, postmillennial, power, René Girard, sacred, sympathetic vampire, True Blood, Twilight, Vampires, violence
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Book: Gina Wisker, Contemporary Women’s Gothic Fiction: Carnival, Hauntings and Vampire Kisses
This new book by Gina Wisker, Contemporary Women’s Gothic Fiction: Carnival, Hauntings and Vampire Kisses, looks marvellous. It covers Angela Carter and vampires–two topics that always whet my OGOM appetite–but many other aspects of contemporary women’s Gothic too. I really … Continue reading
Generation Dead: Gothic Romanced
Firstly, apologies for the delay in writing up this blog post on my second lecture for ‘Generation Dead’, ‘Gothic Romanced: Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, which took place last week. You can expect two blogs on ‘Generation Dead’ this … Continue reading
On Twilight, dangerous love, romantic poetry and voyeurism
The following blog post, ‘Love is Dangerous’, appeared on my Facebook news feed. I read it and the post which it is reacting to (which you can read here) with interest. Whilst the original post on ‘What Happens Next: A … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news
Tagged Feminism, Gothic, Romance, Twilight, YA Gothic
‘Dark Shadows’, Serialisation and Sympathetic Vampires
Decider.com has published an article in its ‘Cult Corner’ entitled ‘”Dark Shadows” attacked Gothic Romance with Pulpy Plots’ which pays homage to the Gothic soap opera ‘Dark Shadows’ (1966-1971). Whilst the article is relatively solid fare – essentially a potted … Continue reading