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Tag Archives: Trolls
UH Literature Research Seminar Series (January- March 2024)
OGOMERS are cordially invited to join me for the Literature Research Seminar series at the University of Hertfordshire. These take place online once a month on Wednesdays at 1.30. The papers are 35 mins and we have 20 minutes for … Continue reading
Posted in Events, OGOM Research
Tagged fairies, fairy tale, Gothic fairies, The Dead, Trolls
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Literature Research Seminars 2023-4
All those associated with OGOM are cordially invited to join us online at the university for the first of our Literature Research Seminars. We are kicking off with an eco-gothic theme to appeal to one or two of our newly … Continue reading
Posted in Events
Tagged climate change, eco-Gothic, Gothic literature, Nordic, Trolls
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Does 2016 Mark the Return of the Troll?
Apparently a Troll Doll is also known as a Dam Doll after their creator Danish woodcutter Thomas Dam, or as a Gonk Troll outside the US. There is a Danish connection for you here Kaja. Again, in Cumbria we would use the word ‘Gonk’ to … Continue reading
Trolls and Tree people
In response to Kaja’s entertaining and informative post about trolls comes this picture which I love from Grimm’s Fairy Tales, published by Constable in 1909. A wonderful example of one of Rackham’s anthropomorphic trees which has some similarities to the Norwegian troll … Continue reading
The Artistic Troll
I love studying the Gothic. I love exploring the twisted realms of the imagination. I love the creatures hidden in the pages of books that follow me home at night. (I can live with the shadows on my walls transforming … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Fun stuff
Tagged aesthetics, ecoGothic, Faeries, Folklore, Folktales, Gothic novels, Holly Black, landscape, Neil Gaiman, Nordic, painting, Scandinavia, Trolls