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Tag Archives: Sorcha Ni Fhlainn
The Forum ‘Dracula’ BBC Sept 16th
Here’s an up-to-date link to the programme I recorded last week on Dracula. It is broadcast at 20.06 on the 16th September. Do let me know if you enjoy it. Sam http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csv0rt
Posted in OGOM Research
Tagged Bram Stoker, Dacre Stoker, Dr Sam George, Dracula, Sorcha Ni Fhlainn, The Forum
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Recording Dracula (Part Two)
I spent Tuesday at Broadcasting House recording ‘The Forum’ on Dracula. I was one of three guests representing Dracula scholars from around the world for an international audience for the BBC World Service. Joining me from Canada was Dacre Stoker, … Continue reading