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Tag Archives: sirens
CFP OGOM Conference 2025: Sea changes
Sea changes: The fairytale Gothic of mermaids, selkies, and enchanted hybrids of ocean and river Venue: The British Library, London, UK (and online) Date: 5–6 September 2025 Fabulous, enchanted beings, hybridly human and other, populate the expanses of water of … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), OGOM: Sea Changes
Tagged art, Blue Humanities, CFP, enchantment, fairytale, Genre, Gothic, Hybridity, mermaids, ningyo, Paranormal romance, selkies, sexuality, sirens
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Merpeople and Monstrous Lovers
I’ve not seen Guillermo del Toro’s film The Shape of Water yet, but it appears to be an intriguing take on the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ archetype that lies behind the genre of Paranormal Romance. With its love affair between … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Resources
Tagged Film, Guillermo del Toro, mermaids, mermen, merpeople, Paranormal romance, selkies, sirens