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Tag Archives: SF
My hero: Mary Shelley by Neil Gaiman
The fantasy writer Neil Gaiman discusses the wonder of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged Byron, Frankenstein, Gothic, Gothic novel, John Polidori, Mary Shelley, Monsters, Percy Shelley, SF
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Sideways in Time: Alternate History and Counterfactual Narratives – March 30-31, 2015, Liverpool
An exciting conference at the University of Liverpool that embraces fantasy, SF, steampunk, and–I’m sure Gothic and the Undead: ‘Sideways in Time is an Alternate History Conference to be held at the University of Liverpool – in association with Lancaster … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Conferences
Tagged CFP, Conference, Fantasy, Gothic, SF
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Review of ‘SF/Fantasy Now’ Conference, 22nd-23rd August 2014, University of Warwick
I write in praise of going to conferences that aren’t really to do with what you study. Much like attending conferences when you are not giving a paper, you are giving a little more leeway to enjoy the other speakers. … Continue reading