Tag Archives: Paranormal romance

Gothic Manchester Festival 2015

Just a reminder that this fabulous series of events, Manchester Metropolitan University’s Gothic Festival, is on next week. There is the brilliant Darkness and Light exhibition at the beautifully Gothic John Rylands Library, which has been on a while; there … Continue reading

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12 of the Best New YA Books in May

Eric Smith reviews 12 new YA books–fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopias, fairytale retellings, as well as conventionally realistic novels. There are some here that look very promising.

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Scenarios you will never find in a Werewolf Romance

The following is in no way a proper critique of the romance genre. I’ve just had to read quite a few for my Table of Werewolves and certain aspects have become grating. So, without further ado, here are: Seven scenarios … Continue reading

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Landscapes of Romance: Generic Boundaries and Epistemological Dialectics in the Paranormal Romance of Julie Kagawa’s The Iron King

Here’s the abstract for the paper I presented last week at the excellent Reading the Fantastic: Tales beyond Borders conference at the University of Leeds. You can download the paper from here, too. Within contemporary fantastic fiction, a modulation of … Continue reading

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OGOM Company of Wolves Conference: Extended Call for Papers

OGOM: ‘The Company of Wolves’: Sociality, Animality, and Subjectivity in Literary and Cultural Narratives—Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Feral Humans Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Sept 3rd-5th 2015 Extended Call for Papers and Panels OGOM is extending its call for papers for its … Continue reading

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Caasandra Clare’s City of Heavenly Fire

I’ve finally got round to finishing City of Heavenly Fire, the last book in the splendid YA paranormal romance series, The Mortal Instruments. Cassandra Clare writes with considerable flair, but her characterisation is exceptionally strong–you really do care for the … Continue reading

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Value and Ideology in YA Fiction

When studying popular culture (that created for younger people in particular), the question of value inevitably appears. YA fiction is often seen as not worthy of serious regard, particularly if it’s ‘genre’ fiction such as paranormal romance (gritty realism is … Continue reading

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Dragon lovers: extract from Julie Kagawa’s Rogue

One of the things that fascinates me while researching paranormal romance is the insight into the creation development, and interaction of genres. This genre itself is a mating between the monstrous (masculinised?) genre of Gothic horror and the feminine romance … Continue reading

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Vampire Queen Anne Rice and the Sympathetic Vampire (23 Feb 2015) By Ms Leigh McLennon

A thoughtful and well-researched blog article on the sympathetic vampire, acknowledging the lesser-known precursors before Anne Rice and noting the shifts from those vampire lovers of the 1970s to their descendants in contemporary paranormal romance by Leigh McLennon, PhD candidate … Continue reading

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Six Paranormal Teen Romances To Help You Through Your Divorce

Now, I love the genre of paranormal romance, but this satire of teen paranormal romances is just so funny–and very acute.

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