Tag Archives: Paranormal romance

Gargoyle Romance and Capture Fantasy

The world of paranormal romance is wide and strange and generically multifarious. Human beings engage erotically with almost every monster the psyche has conjured up, even those where consummation seems somewhat impractical–ghosts, mermen, and zombies, for example. Some of the … Continue reading

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Jane Eyre’s Fantastic Origins

More on Jane Eyre (it is, after all, the 200th anniversary of Charlotte Brontë’s birth) and its complex intertextual relationships with other texts and genres (following my post below). Here, Emma Butcher traces the novel’s origins in Brontë’s (and her … Continue reading

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Shakespeare, Hobgoblins and the Never Never

Following my post on Gothic Shakespeare I wanted to mention the British Library’s mesmerizing show Shakespeare in Ten Acts  There are over 200 rare and unique items on display including the only surviving play-script in Shakespeare’s handwriting. Visitors are encouraged … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, exhibitions, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Shakespearian YA

Continuing the theme of adaptation of classic plots, here are five reworkings of Shakespeare as YA fiction. A couple of them are cast in the genre of paranormal romance, but they all look worth reading.

Posted in Books and Articles, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Adaptation Again! Neverland and Wonderland

Literature is a fluctuating web of reinvention, translation, and reworking, of plots and genres. Classic literary fictions can be adapted as well as myths and folklore; here’s a review of five YA variations on Peter Pan and the Alice books, … Continue reading

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Holly Black interview

Holly Black, for me, is one of the very best writers of YA paranormal romance. She is the author of the powerful vampire dystopia novel The Coldest Girl in Coldtown (which is on the Generation Dead module), of the Curse … Continue reading

Posted in Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Interviews | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Re-imagining Fairy Tales

A favourite OGOM topic (well, for me anyway!) is the transformation of classic fairy tales into (mostly YA) paranormal romances and allied genres. Here, the bare motifs of the fairy tale are invigorated by giving novelistic flesh to the characters … Continue reading

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CFP: Representations of Romantic Relationships and the Romance Genre in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Saturday 11th June 2016, Sheffield Hallam University

For any postgraduates interested in the hybrid genre that is Paranormal Romance, this symposium by the Postgraduate Contemporary Women’s Writing Network looks an excellent opportunity to enter the much-contested debate about the Romance element. I’ve mentioned briefly before here how … Continue reading

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Generation Dead: The Shiver Workshop

This post is a little late (mainly due to the distractions of moving house and trying to teach myself basic plumbing skills alongside managing a PhD and moonlighting as a tour guide at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre) so apologies for my … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

YA Fiction–March 2016

There are some exciting new YA novels appearing this month; this site lists 10 of the best. They’re not all Paranormal Romance (though they all look pretty good), but there are a few which fall into the OGOM sphere. Lady … Continue reading

Posted in Books and Articles, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments