Tag Archives: Paranormal romance

Invisible Library and Visual Librarians

I’ve been meaning to blog for a while about a variant of fantasy and paranormal romance that I’ve noticed many examples of recently. Literature about books themselves are perennially fascinating to avid readers. My detailed review of a few books … Continue reading

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‘The Gothic North’ Symposium, Manchester Metropolitan University, 22 October 2016

Sam and I are both delighted to be presenting papers at this fabulous ‘Gothic North’ symposium at MMU’s Centre for Gothic Studies in October; the schedule is now up here. There is a wide range of papers on all conceivable … Continue reading

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SF and Romance

The worlds of science fiction and romance may seem antithetical but, as in the encounter of Gothic with romance that generates paranormal romance, the romance genre insinuates its way into the, perhaps, masculine, rationalist world of SF. Here, Gail Carriger, … Continue reading

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Maggie Stiefvater in interview

The fabulous Maggie Stiefvater (author of the YA werewolf The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, which begins with the wonderful Shiver; of two faerie paranormal romances; and, more recently, the Raven King series) has been in the UK this week. … Continue reading

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Genres, Classification, and Adventures in the Library

In my explorations of the endless swarming and interbreeding of genres that is contemporary popular fiction, I recently discovered a new species. Among the proliferating subsubsubgenres of paranormal romance and similar breeds, I’ve noticed quite a few that feature libraries … Continue reading

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Generation Dead news

If you don’t know, Daniel Waters‘s Generation Dead and its sequels, Kiss of Life and Passing Strange are wonderful YA novels about teenagers who return from the dead and struggle to find autonomy and love. They’re brilliantly written, full of wit … Continue reading

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Another set of Top Ten Shapeshifters (Part 1)

It’s taken me a while to respond to Kaja and Sam’s excellent lists of their top ten shapeshifters (here and here). Here are the first five of my own favourites (not in order of importance). 1. Circe, in Homer, Odyssey … Continue reading

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Gail Carriger

Gail Carriger writes fiction which is a lively fusion of steampunk with paranormal romance, notably the Parasol Protectorate and Custard Protocol series. She has set up a new website; I’ve added it to the links visible on the Blog page. … Continue reading

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Shapeshifters and Werecats

I’m still compiling my own top-ten shapeshifters in response to Sam’s and Kaja’s lists, but I came across this paranormal romance about a werecat, and I am very tempted: https://www.amazon.com/Cats-Tale-Melissa-Snark-ebook/dp/B00IVPYACA?ie=UTF8&redirect=true&tag=indautlan-20

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YA Fiction and Style

Too many YA novels, more so, I suspect, in the very commercial realm of paranormal romance, are let down by their style–even among the most interesting and complex ones. Too often, these fictions are narrated in the first person and … Continue reading

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