Tag Archives: Paranormal romance

Genre, dreadpunk, mannerpunk, the female Gothic

What constitutes a genre or subgenre and whether even the concept of genre itself has any use is much debated; it’s certainly a focal point of OGOM research, where we’re often concerned with what happens when genres collide or mate, … Continue reading

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Manderley Today: 80 Years of Du Maurier’s Rebecca

I first read Daphne du Maurier’s haunting Gothic Romances in my early teens. In my thirties I did an evening class in Female Gothic run by the pioneering Avril Horner and Sue Zloznik. This featured Rebecca among other exciting texts. … Continue reading

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The Northern YA Literary Festival: Holly Black, Samantha Shannon, Alwyn Hamilton

The Northern YA Literary Festival is hosted by the University of Central Lancashire at Preston, 24 March 2018. This looks a great event: the wonderful Holly Black (probably my favourite author in YA paranormal romance) being interviewed by Samantha Shannon … Continue reading

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Exploring Gothic Romance

As part of my research into the formal qualities of Paranormal Romance, and how different genres encounter each other to generate this new kind of novel, I’m immersing myself into one of its forbears. Gothic Romance (sometimes known as fantasy … Continue reading

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Merpeople and Monstrous Lovers

I’ve not seen Guillermo del Toro’s film The Shape of Water yet, but it appears to be an intriguing take on the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ archetype that lies behind the genre of Paranormal Romance. With its love affair between … Continue reading

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Selkies and mermaids in novels and other media

Among the many fabulous creatures who cross boundaries, selkies and mermaids are particularly fascinating; the former metamorphose between seal and human, the latter are hybrid fish and human. Both exist on the margin of sea and land. Quite a few … Continue reading

Posted in Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Contemporary Fiction Featuring Angels

Most of these are Paranormal Romance, and mostly Young Adult. These angels are generally Fallen and condemned to atone on Earth in some way or another. A couple are borderline–demons or djinn. Adornetto, Alexandra, Halo, Halo Series, 1 (London: Atom, … Continue reading

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YA Gothic at ‘Investigating Identities’ (2): Identity, Agency, Assimilation and Paranormal Romance

Following on from Sam’s post on her keynote talk for the Investigating Identities in Young Adult YA Narratives symposium at the University of Northampton on 16 December, I thought I should post a synopsis of the paper I’ll be presenting … Continue reading

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Redeeming Beauties and Beasts, Wolves and Humans

Kaja and Sam have made me feel guilty, so I’ll just give an account of what I’ll be talking about at the Being Human: Redeeming the Wolf event. I’ll be following up some of the themes that Sam and Kaja have … Continue reading

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YA Fiction Reading Lists: Otherness and Oddity

Some more tempting reading lists of YA fiction for you. First, from Penguin Teen, ‘10 YA Characters Who Will Mess with Your Mind‘: a list of novels with unreliable narrators or narrators who unsettle. I would add to this the … Continue reading

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