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Tag Archives: Nineteenth century
‘How to Recognise a Werewolf in the Nineteenth Century’ by Will Pooley
This well researched post, ‘How to Recognise a Werewolf in the Nineteenth Century’, on the Beastly Histories blog is a very interesting read. (Actually the whole of the blog is pretty exciting so get ready to lose a few hours … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles, Critical thoughts
Tagged adaptation, aesthetics, animality, Animals, Nineteenth century, translation, Werewolves
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Frankenstein and the Vampyre: A Dark and Stormy Night
An account of that seminal moment when both Frankenstein and the literary vampire were born; part of BBC4’s season on Gothic. I’ve not watched this yet (not having a TV), but the very erudite Dr Angela Wright of the University … Continue reading
Posted in Resources
Tagged Byron, Frankenstein, Gothic, John Polidori, Mary Shelley, Nineteenth century, Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Vampyr, Vampires
Irish Gothics: Genres, Forms, Modes, and Traditions, 1760-1890
New book from Palgrave Macmillan, edited by Christina Morin and Niall Gillespie, on Irish Gothic literature in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Posted in Books and Articles, Publications
Tagged Eighteenth century, Genre, Gothic, Irish literature, Nineteenth century
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