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CFP ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic Encounters with Enchantment and the Fairy Realm in Literature and Culture, 8-10 April, 2021
University of Hertfordshire, 8‒10 April 2021 The Open Graves, Open Minds (OGOM) Project was launched in 2010 with the Vampires and the Undead in Modern Culture conference.We have subsequently hosted symposia on Bram Stoker and John William Polidori, unearthing depictions … Continue reading
Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance: Gothic Manchester Festival Conference, 28 October 2017
The full schedule for the Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance conference (one of the many exciting events in the Gothic Manchester Festival) is now on line. Both Dr Sam George and I will be representing OGOM; the other papers promise to … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences
Tagged Fashion, Film, Genre, Goth subculture, Gothic, horror, music, style, TV
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CFP: The Vampire in Literature, Culture, and Film, PCA/ACA, 28-31 March 2018, Indianopolis
The Vampire in Literature, Culture, and Film Area is seeking papers for the national joint Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) meeting to be held March 28-31 in Indianapolis, Indiana. We welcome papers on vampires in literature, culture, and film … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences)
Tagged fiction, Film, music, popular culture, subcultures, TV, Twilight, Vampires
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CFP Reminder: Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance; Gothic Manchester Festival Conference, MMU, 28 October 2017
Just a reminder that the deadline for the Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance; symposium at Gothic Manchester Festival Conference is soon. Here are the details again: Gothic Manchester Festival Conference Saturday 28 October 2017 Call for Papers Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance After … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences)
Tagged architecture, art, Fashion, Film, Goth subculture, Gothic, Gothic literature, music, style, TV
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Witches and Walpurgis Night
Happy Walpurgisnacht! Here’s an excellent article by Prof. Owen Davies of the University of Hertfordshire, ‘Witches and Walpurgis Night‘. He traces the folkloric origins of the supposed sabbat of witches through Goethe and Bram Stoker to contemporary popular culture.
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged Bram Stoker, Goethe, Horror Film, magic, music, Walpurgisnacht, witches
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CFP: Steampunk: Then, Now, and Then Again, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln 25-27 August 2017
Not much time left to respond to this CFP for a steampunk conference, in conjunction with the Asylum Steampunk Festival–deadline 14 April 2017. Despite the development of both science fiction and Neo-Victorian studies, academia has been slow to engage with … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences)
Tagged alternative history, Film, graphic novels, music, neo-Victorianism, science, SF, steampunk, TV, Victorian
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Rimsky-Korsakov, The Snow Queen (Opera North)
I’ve just seen Opera North’s production at The Lowry, Salford of Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera The Snow Maiden, part of a trio of fairy-tale operas that the company are touring with—you can still catch them if you’re quick. There’s a trailer here. … Continue reading
Angela Carter — Resources
Still commemorating Angela Carter, twenty-five years after her death, here are some more useful links: Here’s a great article by John Dugdale on Carter’s legacy, including her influence in music: ‘Angela’s influence: what we owe to Carter‘ (though some connections … Continue reading
Posted in Resources
Tagged Angela Carter, Beauty and the Beast, dystopia, Fairy tales, Feminism, Intertextuality, journalism, music
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Love Song for A Vampire (2)
But then there’s also Annie Lennox’s ‘Love Song for a Vampire’ from Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the film which really cemented the figure of Dracula as romantic other and thus plays a central role in the development of … Continue reading
Posted in Film Clips
Tagged Coppola, Dracula, love, music, Paranormal romance, Valentine's Day, Vampires
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Folk Gothic and Folk Noir
We’ve mentioned the growing interest in folk Gothic a couple of times on this site, where the darkness of Gothic narrative roots itself in folk traditions (or invented replicas of such traditions). Folklore, too, interests us in the form of … Continue reading