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Tag Archives: Marina Warner
Marina Warner, ‘Angela Carter: fairy tales, cross-dressing and the mercurial slipperiness of identity’
Always fascinating, Marina Warner explores the themes of metamorphosis and identity, fairy tales and cross-dressing in the works of Angela Carter, drawing on the archives at the British Library. Angela Carter, as we have said before, is a writer central … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Resources
Tagged Angela Carter, Fairy tales, identity, Marina Warner
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Witch-Finding, Marina Warner
Set your alarms for 10.00pm tonight (or head to BBC iPlayer tomorrow) in order to hear Marina Warner’s edition of Radio 3’s Free Thinking, ‘Witch-Finding’. The show includes Catherine Spooner talking about the history of witchcraft trials. If you are … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Fun stuff
Tagged Catherine Spooner, Folklore, Gothic, Marina Warner, witches
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Michael Dirda reviews five fairy-tale books
A review of new books on the fairy tale by Marina Warner and Jack Zipes (including the first translation into English of the first edition of Grimm’s Tales), but also of two books from Princeton University Press’s Oddly Modern Fairy … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles, Reading Lists, Reviews
Tagged adaptation, Fairy tales, Grimm brothers, Jack Zipes, Marina Warner, Wolves
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Rowan Williams: why we need fairy tales now more than ever
Rowan Williams reviews Marina Warner’s new book, Jack Zipes’s translation of the Grimms, and Malcolm Lyons’s translation of early Arabic wonder tales, and discusses the power of the fairy tale in a fascinating essay-review.
Marina Warner, ‘How fairytales grew up’
More from the always-insightful Marina Warner on the fairy tale and its transformations and adaptations. Here, the essay revolves around Disney’s Frozen to encompass the many variations, dilutions, and intensifications of the original folk motifs through the ages.
Review: The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature
A review by Donna Mitchell of what looks to be an important collection of essays on the Gothic aspects of the fairy tale in connection with the adaptation of such tales in YA literature: The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young … Continue reading
Marina Warner, ‘Once upon a time, part 1’
Marina Warner being typically brilliant and evocative on fairy tales.
Once Upon a Time review – Marina Warner’s scholarly history of the fairytale
A review of Marina Warner’s new book on the fairytale, Once Upon a Time–which looks brilliant!
Posted in Books and Articles, Publications
Tagged Fairy tales, Genre, Gothic, Marina Warner
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