Tag Archives: Halloween

OGOM: Spectral St Albans Hallowe’en Tour – booking now

OGOM is proud to announce a special Supernatural St Albans Hallowe’en Tour. We will be exploring the magical and spectral history of Hertfordshire’s finest gothic city. The event is informed by the research we carried out for our ‘Urban Weird‘ … Continue reading

Posted in Events, Gothic Hertfordshire, OGOM News, OGOM Research | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Vampire Pumpkins and Scary Shrunken-Head Swedes

Happy Halloween OGOMERS!! I hope you are enjoying some spooky festivities. I have written in the past about swede or turnip Jack ‘0’ Lanterns being the most authentic and we used to carve these as children in rural Cumbria. Here’s … Continue reading

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A seasonal makeover for everyone’s birthday favourite Colin the Caterpillar

According to British etiquette, a birthday isn’t a birthday unless someone has bought a Colin the Caterpillar cake from Marks and Spencer. However, for those who feel that his cheerful face is a little too wholesome as we start approaching … Continue reading

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Suppose You Met A Witch?

Happy Halloween OGOMERS! I have finally got round to carving my lantern. I used the traditional swede or turnip that we had in Cumbria when I was a child. This is my Cat ‘o’ Lantern! I used to go to … Continue reading

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How To Find A Masculine Halloween Costume For Your Effeminate Son

A problem of Gothic dimensions that afflicts many a troubled parent. The Onion‘s satirical take on this perennial question.

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Halloween Werewolf: Company of Wolves

Something from the Wellcome to get you in the mood for the much awaited and awesome OGOM Company of Wolves conference. CFP posted shortly. Watch this space at Halloween!!! Wellcome Collection Halloween Werewolf

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** University of Sunderland Spectral Visions: Change of venue

The time and place for the University of Sunderland’s Spectral Visions event (where I will be talking on demon lovers and paranormal romance) has changed: Change of venue! We’ve moved across the road. The new venue is Gateway on Chester … Continue reading

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