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Tag Archives: Gothic literature
More Angela Carter from ‘The Gothic Imagination’ blog
Following on from the first blog post on Angela Carter and scopophilia on The Gothic Imagination blog, here is the next post, ‘The Eye of Profane Pleasures: Fairy Tales, Pornography and the Male Gaze in Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber” and “The … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles
Tagged adaptation, aesthetics, Angela Carter, Fairy tales, Gothic, Gothic literature, The Gothic Imagination
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CFP: BBEC Conference, University of Timișoara, Romania, 23th-25th June, 2016
I am pleased to announce that I am one of the Keynote Speakers at the Second International Conference ‘Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture’ (BBEC) at the West University of Timișoara in Romania on 23th-25th June 2016. Professor Clive Bloom will also … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Conferences, Events, OGOM News, OGOM Research
Tagged belief, Dracula, folk Gothic, Folklore, Gothic literature, Romania
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CFPs and Talks
This an admin-esque post just drawing people’s attention to some CFPs and a talk that might be of interest to our followers. Firstly, there is a CFP for the Victorian Popular Fiction Association which will be holding its conference from … Continue reading
I Wonder: BBC Timeline of Gothic Fiction
Brilliant Timeline of Gothic Fiction with some pleasing visuals and useful links. Just in time for Halloween (Dr Catherine Spooner, contributor to OGOM, was the BBC’s consultant)