Tag Archives: Fairy tales

Fairy Tale Fashion at the FIT

If you happen to have an extraordinarily generous loved one or are yourself flush with cash, your Christmas list could include tickets to go and see the Fairy Tale Fashion exhibition at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. … Continue reading

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Willis Goth Regier, ‘Grimm Beginnings’

An excellent review essay on the new Jack Zipes edition of the first edition of Grimms’ Tales and of his new book on the continuing influence of the tales. It contains an informed account of the history of successive editions … Continue reading

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On the Trail of the Big Bad Wolf

If you find yourself in the north this week try to see ‘Neck of the Woods’, a new play by Turner prizewinner Douglas Gordon based on Perrault’s fairytale. It is just in time to whet appetites for our ‘Company of … Continue reading

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Spectral Visions: Grim Fairy Tales

From the Spectral Visions Press at the University of Sunderland comes this new anthology of Gothic reworkings of fairy tales, edited by Colin Younger, designed by David Newton, introduced by Ian Rowan, and with fabulous illustrations by Katie Loyd. Oh, … Continue reading

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Get in the mood for OGOM Company of Wolves with this must see Little Red Riding Hood

Deliciously camp, erotic, creepy and funny adaptation of one of the ‘Red Riding Hood’ variants (most likely, this one collected by Paul Delarue), with echoes of Doré’s illustrations and German Expressionist cinema. . 16-year-old Christina Ricci stars as a not-so-innocent … Continue reading

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The Fabularium Fairytale Festival, The South Bank, 24 Jul-2 Aug 2015

This storytelling event at the South Bank looks marvellous: IT’S LANDED! The Crick Crack Club’s Fabularium – a nomadic haven of fairytales for grown-ups and myths for kids – comes to the South Bank this summer!

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12 of the Best New YA Books in May

Eric Smith reviews 12 new YA books–fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopias, fairytale retellings, as well as conventionally realistic novels. There are some here that look very promising.

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Fairy Tales, Wolf Children and Victorian Fairy Art

Those attending the Company of Wolves conference in September may be familiar with the work of Michael Newton, Senior Lecturer, Department of English, University of Leiden. He is the author of Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children … Continue reading

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10 Books That Will Change How You Think About Fairy Tales

And more on fairy tales. Some of the books on this list will be familiar (including The Bloody Chamber); some less so. There are books on the fairy tale, and reworkings of fairy tale themes and new fairy tales–for young … Continue reading

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Angela Carter

Angela Carter’s stylish, erotic, often witty transformations of classic fairy tales are a central point of interest for those who study contemporary Gothic, and paranormal romance in particular (where motifs and plots from fairy tale are often metamorphosed in ways … Continue reading

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