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Tag Archives: Fairy tales
CFP and Events: ECR prize, horror, Green Children, fairy tales and race, Scottish and Irish Gothic, folklore
We’ve had a fabulous response to our CFP for the Sea changes: The fairytale Gothic of mermaids, selkies, and enchanted hybrids of ocean and river conference. We’ll keep you updated with news on what looks to be an amazing event. … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Events
Tagged changelings, digital humanities, ECRs, fairies, Fairy tales, Folklore, Gothic, horror, racism, Scandinavian folklore, Scottish Gothic
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CONFERENCE: Bodies of Water: Mermaids, Selkies, and other Marine and Freshwater Hybrids
Exciting announcement claxon! We’re beyond excited to reveal that the next OGOM conference will be a collaboration with the Haunted Shores network called ‘Bodies of Water: Mermaids, Selkies, and other Marine and Freshwater Hybrids’. We are keen to explore the … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Conferences, OGOM News
Tagged Fairy tales, Gothic, Hybridity, mermaids, selkies
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Shabnam Ahsan, ‘Skins and Cloaks: New Identities in 21st-Century Fairy Tales’
We have rescheduled Shabnam Ahsan’s UH Research Seminar, ‘Skins and Cloaks: New Identities in 21st-century Fairy Tales’. It’s now on 13 March at 1.30 pm. Join Zoom Meeting https://herts-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95049519796 Meeting ID: 950 4951 9796 Details of further seminars can be … Continue reading
Review: Holly Black, The Stolen Heir (2023)
We’ve been meaning for some time to post regular reviews of books and such that have attracted our interest yet always seem be too busy! I had to share this one, though, and I hope we can do more reviews. … Continue reading
Posted in Reviews
Tagged Faery, fairy tale, Fairy tales, Gothic fairies, Holly Black, Paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA Fiction
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CFPs: Gothic folklore, chimeras, fairy-tale horror, Dracula and vampires
Some CFPs for articles and a conference–deadlines approaching! 1. FOGO Conference 2023: Folklore and Gothic: Supernatural Presences and Environments in Europe and the Americas Universidad de León (España), 5-7 July 2023. Deadline: 1 April 2023. This conference aims to open … Continue reading
Posted in Call for Articles, CFP (Conferences)
Tagged adaptation, Dracula, Fairy tales, Film, Folklore, Gothic, horror, myth, nature, popular culture, posthumanism, Vampires
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CFPs: Byron, monsters, the Brontës, SFF, fairytale horror
We’ve been very lax about adding news to the blog lately and we do apologise (work pressure, ill health, project deadlines, etc.). However, there does seem to be a lot going on and here are some recent CFPs for conferences … Continue reading
Posted in Call for Articles, CFP (Conferences)
Tagged Brontes, Byron, Fairy tales, Fantasy, Gothic, horror, landscape, Monsters, nature, Romanticism, SF, SFF, TV, Werewolves
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The Little Mermaid and exclusion
OGOM and the appeal of the mermaid Mermaids (and other fabulous marine creatures such as sirens and selkies) have long been favourite topics with us at OGOM. Three’s something appealing about their ambiguous positioning between human and animal, aquatic and … Continue reading
CFPs: SF inequality, Twin Peaks, Georgette Heyer, Through the Looking-Glass, Oceans, The Exorcist, fairy tales, reviewers
Calls for papers for conferences and journals: 1. The Future of/as Inequality, Science Fiction Research Association (Virtual) Annual Conference 2021, 18-21 June 2021. Deadline: 1 May 2021. The Science Fiction Research Association invites proposals for its 2021 annual conference, to … Continue reading
Gothic Fairies conference – new plenaries
We are beyond excited to announce that we have two more very special plenary speakers for OGOM’s online Gothic Fairies conference, ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic encounters with enchantment and the Faerie realm in literature and culture, on 8-11 April … Continue reading