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Tag Archives: cosmic horror
CFP: The Popular and the Weird: H.P. Lovecraft and 21st Century Media Cultures — special issue
Call for Articles for a special issue of Studies in Gothic Fiction on H. P. Lovecraft, edited by Chloé Germaine Buckley (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Kerry Dodd (Lancaster University). In his seminal essay on the Gothic, titled “Supernatural Horror in … Continue reading
Witches, Gothic Novels, and Cosmic Horror
I’ve been a bit lax on posting to the blog; I’ve found lots of interesting and useful material lately but haven’t had time to blog them–they’re usually on our Facebook group, though, and Kaja has been reposting some of these … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged cosmic horror, Film, Gothic, Gothic novel, Guillermo del Torro, H. P. Lovecraft, horrid novels, terror, witches
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