Tag Archives: Company of Wolves

Paranormal Romance: Notes towards a definition II

Continuing my tentative exploration of the hybrid, shape-shifting nature of the genre of paranormal romance below, here’s an extract from my plenary talk at the Company of Wolves conference. I hope you find this interesting and helpful (there are references … Continue reading

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Ghostly Sightings: hauntology and spectrality in East Asian gothic cinema

If your around London on 15th March, it’s worth heading to Kingston University for Colette Balmain’s talk ‘Ghostly Sighting: hauntology and spectrality in East Asian gothic cinemas’. Colette gave a wonderful talk, ‘Through the eyes of a child: Hybridity and … Continue reading

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Company of Wolves Publications

Hi everyone, May I remind you again that the deadline for submissions for the Company of Wolves collections of articles is the end of January? We’d really like an idea of who’s definitely interested, so just a short response from … Continue reading

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CFA: Company of Wolves Publication (Reminder)

Just a gentle reminder from us about submitting articles for the Company of Wolves publications, which are due by 30 January. Please can you pay special attention to the formatting; if you have any questions about this, do ask. To … Continue reading

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Wilderness, National Parks and Hybrid Wolves

My good friend Karen Graham (who I met at the inaugural OGOM conference) sent me this very interesting article, ‘Coydogs and Lynxcats and Pizzlies, Oh My’. Though the title is a little ridiculous, it is an interesting look at science’s … Continue reading

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CFA: OGOM Company of Wolves Book and Journal Issue

Thank you once more for your contribution to the wonderful Company of Wolves Conference. There was a diverse range of papers, all fascinating, and this was one of the factors that made the conference work so well. As promised, we … Continue reading

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Nick Stead: The Company of Wolves

I know it’s a while since the fabulous Company of Wolves conference in September, but I’m still revelling in the memories. I’ve been a bit ill, and was exhausted after the conference, so my blogging has got a little behind. … Continue reading

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The Return of the Wolves

A few people today have drawn my attention to the following article on the BBC website: The place where wolves could soon return. I took great pleasure in reading it as I think it offers a balanced view of the … Continue reading

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Reflections on ‘The Company of Wolves’

It has been almost a month since ‘Company of Wolves’ and, now that I am back from my holidays, I thought it would be good to reflect on the conference. As is so often the case being an organiser, I … Continue reading

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Cat v. Woolf

Morticia and Virginia in the eternal battle between feline and canine. Virginia isn’t doing too well here.

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