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Tag Archives: Catherine Spooner
Yōkai & Me: Introducing #YōkaiFriday
The world of yōkai has been fascinating me of late. These creatures are currently popular in anime, manga, film and computer games, but they originated in local legends in Japan, folktales and regional ghost stories. I was excited to attend the … Continue reading
Why YA Gothic Fiction is Booming and Girl Monsters are on the Rise
I’m posting this article from The Conversation by Michelle Smith for this year’s Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic students, who will begin their study of the YA Gothic genre in September. Why YA Gothic Fiction is Booming and … Continue reading
White Wolves in and out of the Academy
OGOM is keeping track of wolf related stories ahead of the Being Human Festival in November. I posted earlier that May is the month of the wolf and Dr Catherine Spooner, a plenary at the now legendary Company of Wolves … Continue reading
Posted in Events, OGOM News, OGOM Research
Tagged Catherine Spooner, Freud's Wolf Man, OGOM Company of Wplves, white wolves, Yellowstone
Happy Gothic Hogmanay – You Can Close Your Box Now Pandora!
I am hoping Pandora will close her box today for the Hogmanay and we can all celebrate the rise of Happy Gothic!! 2017 will see the launch of the OGOM Research Centre and the completion of our ‘Company of Wolves’ … Continue reading
Goths Just Wanna have Fun!
Thanks to those who shared or commented on my article in The Conversation. I replied to over 40 comments on the day. There are some gems in this publication and I have just uncovered Catherine Spooner’s article Goths Just Wanna … Continue reading
OGOM Company of Wolves: The Book
Woo hoo. We are proud to present the details of the OGOM Company of Wolves book (MUP, 2017). There are 3 publications in total (one book and two special journal issues) and this is the first. More to follow on the … Continue reading
Witch-Finding, Marina Warner
Set your alarms for 10.00pm tonight (or head to BBC iPlayer tomorrow) in order to hear Marina Warner’s edition of Radio 3’s Free Thinking, ‘Witch-Finding’. The show includes Catherine Spooner talking about the history of witchcraft trials. If you are … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Fun stuff
Tagged Catherine Spooner, Folklore, Gothic, Marina Warner, witches
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Gothic Imagination Reviews OGOM
Matt Foley, Lecturer at the University of Stirling, has given a thoughtful and positive review of the Open Graves, Open Minds book for Gothic Imagination: Under the stewardship of Dr Sam George and Dr Bill Hughes, The Open Graves, Open … Continue reading
OGOM Company of Wolves CFP – Beyond excited to announce this!
Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Sept 3rd-5th 2015: Call for Papers and Panels OGOM: ‘The Company of Wolves’: Sociality, Animality, and Subjectivity in Literary and Cultural Narratives—Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Feral Humans Wolves have long been the archetypal enemy of human company, … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Conferences, OGOM News, OGOM: The Company of Wolves
Tagged Angela Carter, Animals, Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Catherine Spooner, CFP, Children's literature, Christopher Frayling, Conference, Fairy tales, feral children, Film, Folklore, gender, Genre, Gothic, Greg Duncan, Grimm brothers, Language, Maggie Stiefvater, Marcus Sedgwick, myth, nature, Neil Jordan, Paranormal romance, Perrault, race, Romance, sexuality, Shapeshifters, Stacey Abbott, TV, Werewolves, Wolves, YA Fiction
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The Dead Men Stood Together Longlisted for the UKLA Children’s Book Award
Lancaster University’s Beyond Twilight blog on YA fiction resumes with a review of Chris Priestley’s novel, The Dead Men Stood Together, based on Coleridge’s ‘Rime of the Ancient mariner’. This looks a fascinating novel. Beyond Twilight was established by Catherine … Continue reading
Posted in Publications
Tagged Catherine Spooner, Romanticism, ST Coleridge, YA Fiction
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