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Tag Archives: Beauty and the Beast
Redeeming Beauties and Beasts, Wolves and Humans
Kaja and Sam have made me feel guilty, so I’ll just give an account of what I’ll be talking about at the Being Human: Redeeming the Wolf event. I’ll be following up some of the themes that Sam and Kaja have … Continue reading
Posted in Events, OGOM Research
Tagged animality, Beauty and the Beast, fairy tale, Maggie Stiefvater, Paranormal romance, Red Riding Hood, Werewolves, Wolves
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Angela Carter’s The Tiger’s Bride – Oxford Playhouse, 11-16 September 2017
Marvellous Machine will be performing their stage adaptation of Angela Carter’s ‘The Tiger’s Bride’ at the Oxford Playhouse, 11-16 September 2017. ‘The Tiger’s Bride’ is one of Carter’s marvellous transformations of the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ tale in her famous … Continue reading
Posted in Events
Tagged adaptation, Angela Carter, Animals, Beauty and the Beast, fairy tale, theatre
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The malign influence of Beauty and the Beast
I’m always suspicious about deterministic claims for the malignant effects of fiction, which were rife in the eighteenth century with the rise of the novel and its effects on women and which have accompanied the emergence of new media ever … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Fun stuff
Tagged Beauty and the Beast, brainwashing, Fairy tales, interpretation
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More Beauty and the Beast
More useful links on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ (see previous posts by Sam and I). First, a short piece by Constance Grady on some of the many various adaptations of the tales, covering Robin McKinley’s Beauty and Rose Daughter, Angela … Continue reading
Review: Beauty and the Beast, dir. by Bill Condon (Disney, 2017)
Sam and I have been posting on the theme of ‘Beauty and the Beast recently here and here (I am doing research on the tale and will be presenting a paper at the Damsels in Redress conference next month). I … Continue reading
Beauty and the Beast: more thoughts
Further to Sam’s post below, I’m writing a paper on YA adaptations of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ for the Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings at Queen’s University, Belfast (7-8 April), so the tale is very much on … Continue reading
Fairy Tale Hybridity: What Kind of Animal is Beast in ‘Beauty and the Beast’?
‘Beauty and the Beast’ belongs to the Animal Groom cycle of fairy tales alongside ‘The Frog King’ and ‘Cupid and Psyche’. I have always been intrigued by what kind of animal Beast is in this tale. In his twenty first-century … Continue reading
Angela Carter — Resources
Still commemorating Angela Carter, twenty-five years after her death, here are some more useful links: Here’s a great article by John Dugdale on Carter’s legacy, including her influence in music: ‘Angela’s influence: what we owe to Carter‘ (though some connections … Continue reading
Posted in Resources
Tagged Angela Carter, Beauty and the Beast, dystopia, Fairy tales, Feminism, Intertextuality, journalism, music
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Top Ten Shapeshifters – The Retro Version
In response to The Guardian’s Top Ten Shapeshifters in Fiction (which is very noughties) and Kaja’s lively alternative list, I am posting my own top ten which is a little bit more retro! A shapeshifter is usually understood to be … Continue reading
Beauty and the Beast: A modernist transformation by Clarice Lispector
‘Beauty and the Beast’ seems to me to be a rather important fairy tale. It’s the architext of paranormal romance, the story whose narrative form and themes lies at the heart of all those romantic encounters between human and other, … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts, Resources
Tagged adaptation, Beauty and the Beast, class, fairy tale, gender, Intertextuality, modernism