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Tag Archives: alchemy
Curtis Runstedler, ‘Amongst the Hermetick Philosophers’: Alchemical Afterlives in Medieval and Early Modern England
Curtis Runstedler, whose article will be appearing in the forthcoming OGOM Company of Wolves special issue of Gothic Studies, is giving this public talk on alchemy–it looks fascinating and I’m sorry not to be able to attend myself, but do … Continue reading
Curtis Runstedler, ‘Alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Holy Grail’
Durham University’s Department of English Studies will proudly host the annual Late Summer Lectures Series, which features postgraduate researchers presenting their topics of interest to non-specialised audiences in Durham. This year’s series features topics ranging from post-apocalyptic worlds to alchemy … Continue reading
Posted in Events
Tagged alchemy, Harry Potter, Holy Grail, medieval literature, Philosopher's Stone
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