Latest YA Fantasy Reading

We now and then like to supply reading lists that we have come across from various sources. These have all been placed in their own Reading Lists category so you can easily search through them.

The Barnes & Noble Teen Blog is always a very reliable source for YA Fantasy/Paranormal Romance (and YA fiction in general) and well worth following (it’s hard to keep up with trends in this prolific area). There’s a link on our site in the Blogroll section, but we like to give digests every now and then.

In this post, I’ve collated three reading lists. The first is on that ever-fascinating subgenre of YA fantasy–adaptations and revisions of classic fairy tales: Dahlia Adler writes on ‘6 New Retellings for Fairy-Tale Fans‘. There are reworkings here of ‘Cinderella’, ‘Snow White’, ‘Rumpelstiltskin’, ‘The Little Mermaid’, and (of special OGOM interest) ‘Beauty and the Beast’, coloured by Russian and Chinese culture among other things. They all look quite compelling.

Next, ‘7 Great YA Fantasy Duologies‘. Again, a very promising array of fictions, with outsiders and rebels, and employing Indian folktale, prehistoric settings, and the Scheherezade motif.

Finally, YA fiction is very much concerned with representations of (often alternative) subjectivity these days and it is good to see that writers in the field are giving voice to bisexual characters. Paranormal romance, based on the exploration of otherness through the trope of the sympathetic monster is well-suited to this, though not all the novels in this list of ‘16 Great 2017 YAs that Celebrate Bi Visibility‘ are in the fantastic mode.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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