We’ve added some useful links to various resources from the website. These appear in the Related Links and Journals sections on the right-hand side of the Blog and Resources pages.
The International Fairy-Tale Filmography is a fantastic database of film adaptations of fairy tales.
The Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index–the standard way of classifying folk tales–is on line.
We now have a link to The Fairy Investigation Society website.
There is a link to the newly-formed YA Studies Association–we wish them all the best on their exciting new project!
We’ve added a link under Journals to the new journal Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural.
There’s also a link to the Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies journal’s website.
And, finally, a link to The Lion and the Unicorn, the journal of children’s literature.