Popular Fiction Research Hub

There’s a great Facebook group for all those interested in popular fiction–the Popular Fiction Research Hub. The organisers, Lisa Fletcher, Beth Driscoll, and Kim Wilkins, describe it as :

A meeting place for people interested in research about the writing, publishing, reading and cultures of popular fiction

This group is administered by Beth Driscoll (University of Melbourne), Lisa Fletcher (University of Tasmania) and Kim Wilkins (University of Queensland).

We envision this Facebook group as a low-key affair, which will develop organically as more people join and shared interests emerge.

Please use it to share:
– Calls for papers
– New research projects or publications in popular fiction studies
– Calls for applications for grants, jobs, scholarships etc
– Research or teaching questions
– anything else that you think will be relevant and interesting to the group.

If you’re interested in joining, please email Lisa@Fletcher@utas.edu.au or driscoll@unimelb.edu.au.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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