Reading Lists: Urban Fantasy, Imaginary Cities, New YA, Women in SF & Fantasy

I’ve gathered together here four reading lists of interesting writing in the literature of the fantastic.

The first, which ties in nicely with OGOM’s forthcoming conference The Urban Weird, is a guide by Chelsea Mueller to the genre of urban fantasy, ‘Urban Fantasy 101: 10 Books to Get You Started‘.

Then, again in tune with The Urban Weird, a list by Sarah Hannah Gomez on transformations in YA fiction of real cities and places such as London, Italy, New York, and Berlin: ‘7  YA Books That Turn Real Cities and Countries Upside Down‘.

Melissa Albert reviews a range of new YA fantastic novels here.

Finally, a useful guide from Maureen Lee Lenker, who writes on ‘27 Female Authors Who Rule Sci-Fi and Fantasy Right Now‘.


About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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