Gramarye, ‘Ill met by moonlight’ special issue, 22 (Winter 2022)

This collection of essays emerged from our international online conference ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic encounters with enchantment and the Faerie realm in literature and culture, held on 8-11 April 2021. We are aiming to produce another journal special issue and an edited book collection of further essays from the conference in 2023.
Sam George and Bill Hughes, ‘Guest Editors’ Introduction’
Francesca Bihet, ‘The origin of the sprites: The Folklore Society’s late-Victorian fairy science’
Greta Colombani, ‘“Human passion – fairy power”: The rewriting and subversion of the Melusine legend in Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s “The Fairy of the Fountains”’
Tatiana Fajardo, ‘A 19th-century influence of Gothic Faerie: The fairy tree, fairy lover, fairy art, and fairy revenge in Clay F. Johnson’s poem “A Ride Through Faerie”’
Catherine Greenwood, ‘”The Ballad of Isabel Gunn” as The Daemon Lover/ Tam Lin: The economic migrant and enchantment as a recruitment strategy’
Jeremy Harte, ‘Prisoners of the gods: The captivity narrative in fairy lore’
Michaela Haussman, ‘Fairyland’s Gothic offspring: The Maid of the Alder Tree as an arboreal femme fatale in George MacDonald’s Phantastes (1858)’
Györgyi Szirákiné Kovács, ‘Fairies in Ann Radcliffe’s “The Glow-worm”: The communal aspect of art’
‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic Fairy flash fiction
B.C. Kennedy, A review of Elizabeth Dearnley, ed., Fearsome Fairies: Haunting Tales of the Fae
Katherine Langrish, A review of Simon Young, The Boggart: Folklore, History, Place-names and Dialect