Gothic Studies Special Vampires Issue

Table of Contents
  1. Sam George and Bill Hughes, Introduction: undead reflections – the sympathetic vampire and its monstrous other
  2. Victoria Amador, Dark ladies: vampires, lesbians, and women of colour
  3. Charlotte Bosseaux, ‘Bloody hell. Sodding, blimey, shagging, knickers, bollocks. Oh God, I’m English’ – Translating Spike
  4. Kimberly Frohreich, Sullied blood, semen, and skin: vampires and the spectre of miscegenation
  5. David McWilliam, Perfect enemies: neoconservative hunters and terrorist vampires in Joe Ahearne’s Ultraviolet (1998)
  6. Xavier Aldana Reyes, ‘Who ordered the hamburger with Aids?’: haematophilic semiotics in Tru(e) Blood
  7. Antonio Sanna, The postmodern evolution of telepathy from Dracula to the Twilight Saga
  8. Angela Tenga and Elizabeth Zimmerman, Vampire gentlemen and zombie beasts: a rendering of true monstrosity
  9. Rebecca Williams, Unlocking The Vampire Diaries: genre, authorship, and quality in teen TV horror

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