Search Results for: white wolves

Angela Carter, Fairytales and Adaptation

Yesterday morning I noticed that #UpdateAFairytale was trending on Twitter. Of course I jumped right on board and had a merry time thinking up increasingly bizarre possibilities for contemporary fairy tales. Cinderella as a feminist campaigner against modern day slavery, … Continue reading

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Paranormal Romance: Notes towards a definition II

Continuing my tentative exploration of the hybrid, shape-shifting nature of the genre of paranormal romance below, here’s an extract from my plenary talk at the Company of Wolves conference. I hope you find this interesting and helpful (there are references … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

The Artistic Troll

I love studying the Gothic. I love exploring the twisted realms of the imagination. I love the creatures hidden in the pages of books that follow me home at night. (I can live with the shadows on my walls transforming … Continue reading

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Magical Skins: The Selkie’s Transformation

As soon as the seal was clear of the water, it reared up and its skin slipped down to the sand. What had been a seal was a white-skinned boy George Mackay Brown ‘Pictures in the Cave’ In response to … Continue reading

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Generation Dead: Young Adult Fiction and the Gothic – Starts Jan 18th

My Young Adult Fiction and the Gothic module ‘Generation Dead’ begins on January 18th. The students are going to be following the blog and attending the workshops described below: All over the country in the world of young adult fiction … Continue reading

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Bloody and Monstrous Flowers: These Tulips Should Be Behind Bars

There has been a lot of discussion about Poppies recently in relation to remembrance. I was outed as a botanist by a  journalist in The Independent  at the OGOM Company of Wolves conference because of my earlier work Botany, Sexuality … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, OGOM: Books of Blood | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

OGOM PhD Research

If you are interested in undertaking PhD study and would like to work in any of the areas covered by the OGOM Project, you can contact Dr Sam George on email at [@]  for a preliminary discussion. You … Continue reading

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Dracula’s Transylvania, the Land Beyond the Forest

‘We are in Transylvania; and Transylvania is not England, our ways are not your ways and there shall be to you many strange things’ (Bram Stoker) I was beyond excited to find myself in Transylvania recently, fully expecting a gothic … Continue reading

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Generation Dead: Young Adult Fiction and the Gothic

‘Generation Dead’ is the level six undergraduate literature module I have developed  at the University of Hertfordshire: All over the country in the world of young adult fiction teenagers who die aren’t staying dead. This module will interrogate the new … Continue reading

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Conference Programme

* You can download a PDF version of the Conference Programme here. 3 September 2015 09:15    10:45    Registration with Coffee and Mini-pastries        Atrium 10:45    11:00    Welcome Dr Sam George                                                            Lecture Hall  N003 11:00   … Continue reading

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