Search Results for: white wolves


The Open Graves, Open Minds Project began by unearthing depictions of the vampire and the undead in literature, art, and other media, then embraced werewolves (and representations of wolves and wild children), fairies, and other supernatural beings and their worlds. … Continue reading

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The Urban Weird 2018

OGOM & Supernatural Cities present: The Urban Weird University of Hertfordshire, 6-7 April, 2018 The OGOM Project is known for its imaginative events and symposia, which are often accompanied by a media frenzy. We were the first to invite vampires … Continue reading

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Top 21st Century Werewolf Narratives

A discussion with Sam about what I thought were the most important werewolf texts of the 21st century led me to compile the following. It was surprisingly difficult. Firstly, there is an absolute glut of werewolves popping up in all … Continue reading

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Werewolf-Repelling Soap

This is something to get into a lather about: Pojo soaps have created a werewolf repelling soap. If you’re more concerned about something sucking your blood rather than ripping you apart, they also do an anti-vampire soap, as well as … Continue reading

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Dorian Gray as Evil Essex Werewolf

Just when my research has turned to English werewolves this comes along. Thanks to Kaja for alerting me to this wacky wilderness Wilde/werewolf mash up. My first thoughts are what is Dorian doing in Epping Forest he is such an … Continue reading

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Choose Life, Choose Love. Claire Anderson on Zombie Novel ‘Generation Dead’

I am very happy to post another insightful introduction to Dan Waters’s novel from one of my ‘Generation Dead: YA fiction and the Gothic’ students Claire Anderson. Claire completed the module in 2015-16. This is very readable and engaged. I … Continue reading

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Another set of Top Ten Shapeshifters (Part 1)

It’s taken me a while to respond to Kaja and Sam’s excellent lists of their top ten shapeshifters (here and here). Here are the first five of my own favourites (not in order of importance). 1. Circe, in Homer, Odyssey … Continue reading

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Top 10 Shapeshifters in Fiction (an alternative)

Over the weekend The Guardian published an article about the top ten shapeshifters in fiction. It was an enjoyable read and proof that shapeshifters continue to be relevant. However the choice of texts was limited (three examples from Harry Potter?). And, whilst … Continue reading

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Review of ‘Reflected Shadows: Folklore and the Gothic’, 15th-17th April 2016

On 15th-17th April, I attended ‘Reflected Shadows: Folklore and the Gothic’ at Kingston University. This conference, dedicated as the name suggests to folklore and the Gothic, was jointly organised by The Folklore Society and Kingston University. The conference opened with … Continue reading

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Generation Dead: The Shiver Workshop

This post is a little late (mainly due to the distractions of moving house and trying to teach myself basic plumbing skills alongside managing a PhD and moonlighting as a tour guide at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre) so apologies for my … Continue reading

Posted in Critical thoughts, Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments