Hashtags and wolf cup cakes


Another day at the coal face at Company of Wolves. Today I sorted the stock for the book signings for Marcus and Sir Chris and arranged the promotional material. We are getting advanced copies of ‘The Bloody Chamber’ before the official release date so that is exciting. I am looking forward to getting my signed copy. I also arranged for the delivery of  the werewolf model which has been specially made by one of our Creative Arts students, Florence, and is going to be on display in the foyer during the conference. Bewilderingly, I also got approached by a Halloween company who asked if I would like to officiate at their launch where they are planning to attempt a world record for the most people dressed as werewolves in one place!! All in days work at CoW. I also completed more work on my paper and began putting together a fact sheet for the wild boy trip…oh and we choose the images for the Red Riding Hood biscuits (so very fab) and there will be wolf cup cakes too! I am really hoping people will want to photograph the food because it is going to be very special indeed.

I tweeted some new news stories  (one aptly entitled ‘What do you do at a werewolf conference?) and we decided that anyone tweeting should use #CoW2015 so that all the tweets are on the same page. Invitations have gone out to some press who have expressed an interest in coming along and I think there is going to be a real buzz or should that be howl at the opening. We are compiling some special werewolf/wolf themed videos and music for the big screens too to show during registration.

Kaja was at the BL today grappling with her peer review and Bill is back in Manchester doing wonderful things with databases and spreadsheets so that everything is collated and logged for catering and bookings. More from the CoW offices tomorrow (though I hope to sneak off to work on my paper (don’t tell)). Really looking forward to launch day and seeing everyone…. it is going to be some wolf fest!!

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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