OGOM developments April 2016

Sam and I met up with Kaja yesterday in Café Rouge, St Albans to plan various developments for the OGOM Project. There was much enthusiasm and some exciting ideas will be coming to fruition over the next few months.

First of all, we discussed changes to the OGOM website; we’re hoping to revamp (I know, I’ve used that before) the appearance and add a portal-style front page and possibly a discussion board.

We then discussed the book and journal from the Company of Wolves conference; there are no definite dates yet, but we’ve made some decisions on how the publicatiions will be themed and have worked on the book proposal for Manchester University Press. If you have submitted one of the many excellent articles, we’ll be in touch soon.

Next on the agenda was the terrific-looking Books of Blood event–an extravaganza of visual art, video, performance art, poetry, and related events, which will tour as an exhibition.

Finally, we came up with some brilliant ideas for OGOM IV–the next conference, which will take place in 2017 and has some magical, enchanting themes involving the Dark Arts, witches, and Faery. It’s still a bit of a secret at the moment–keep your eyes open for future posts!

I forgot to take any photos, which is a shame as they would have conveyed our enthusiasm; I have a picture of the very beautiful buiding, however.


About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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