Ethical Gothic Studies

Some exciting news, OGOM is going to be editing a special edition of Gothic Studies on Ethical Gothic. This will add to the issues we have already edited on the vampire 15.1. (2013) Undead Reflections: The Sympathetic Vampire and its Monstrous Other and the werewolf 21.1 (2019) Werewolves and Wildness. The new issue, 29.2 will appear in July 2027. We will be looking for essays on this theme for inclusion in the volume in the near future. We’ll also be hosting an Ethical Gothic Symposium to share ideas and develop papers for the issue. We look forward to finding out more about others whose research might address these concerns (including writers). Thank you to Emily Alder and the editorial team at Gothic Studies for this opportunity.

The OGOM Project extends to all narratives of the fantastic, the folkloric, and the magical, emphasising that sense of Gothic as enchantment rather than simply horror. Through this, OGOM is articulating an ethical Gothic, cultivating moral agency and creating empathy for the marginalised, monstrous or othered, including the disenchanted natural world.

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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