Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) – The Movie

For fans of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009), the mash-up novel by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith which features a critique of manners and the annihilation of the undead hordes, the official trailer for the movie version has been released. Judging from the trailer the movie looks like it captures the spirit of the novel.

Whilst it has been a while since I read the novel, I remember it as being better than might be expected. Grahame-Smith managed to retain the spirit of the original novel whilst making the main characters, especially the female ones, significantly more bad-ass. The critique of manners and fashion was transposed to a debate over whether one specialised in Japanese or Chinese martial arts and there was some silly but fun punning that drew forth the sexual tension within the text. Given that Austen wrote one of the earliest Gothic parodies, Northanger Abbey (1817), it seems perfectly appropriate that her work has inspired its own monstrous adaptation.

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