International Gothic Association: website changes

The International Gothic Association (IGA) is redesigning its website and Kathleen Hudson, the site’s designer, has circulated this invitation to contribute:

Hello everyone! We are in the process of building a new website for the International Gothic Association, and hope to publish the website by the end of June.
There are a few things that we need from our members, though, in order to make the website a serious resource for Gothic scholars.

Can you please tell us, so that we can populate the website as effectively as possible:
1) of any upcoming conferences
2) of any current CFPs for special collections or journal issues that you would like promoted
3) for our directory, of any Gothic courses or modules at your university (MA or BA) that you would like to list
4.) of any academic monograph publications (released either in the last 6 months or to be released in the next 6 months) you would like promoted (along with a short blurb on the publication)
5.) of any Gothic Centres you would like to be listed as resources

Thanks so much for your help! If you could email any information relating to these three items to (me) Kathleen Hudson, the website designer, by the 20th June, that would be wonderful. Email:
Many thanks in advance!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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