Dr Stacey Abbott of the University of Roehampton has been a generous contributor of great brilliance to the OGOM Project since its inception, both with captivating (and very witty!) plenary talks and chapters in the OGOM books. She has a new book out with Edinburgh University Press, Undead Apocalypse: Vampires and Zombies in the 21st Century, which will be reviewed here soon. She’s also been giving lots of interviews; these are also valuable sources for those researching the Undead.
Here, Stacey is interviewed by her alma mater, Concordia University, discussing her book and recent transformations of the zombie mythos.
And here, Stacey blogs about her top six first-person narratives–illuminating, and a useful lead into investigating zombie fiction further.
Finally, here’s a list by Jim Vorel of what he considers the 50 best zombie films.