Maggie Stiefvater in interview

The fabulous Maggie Stiefvater (author of the YA werewolf The Wolves of Mercy Falls series, which begins with the wonderful Shiver; of two faerie paranormal romances; and, more recently, the Raven King series) has been in the UK this week. I was very sad to have missed her in Manchester; she also visited Glasgow and London. She gives a revealing interview here: ‘Author Maggie Stiefvater on her angry youth and love of bagpipes’.

The very moving werewolf paranormal romance Shiver appears on Sam’s Generation Dead module, and both Kaja and I have chapters forthcoming on the series, so we’re obviously big fans! We’d love to hear from anyone who saw her at any of the readings.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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