Buffy: Once More with Feeling

Here’s a link to Billboard’s Podcast of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Star Anthony Head on the 15th Anniversary of the Show’s Musical Episode for all of OGOM’s Buffy fans…something to walk through fire for or to sing about! Here’s a reminder of the genius lyrics that nearly broke the 4th wall…and I love, love, love spike here…

(Spike) First he’ll kill her then I’ll save her/(Tara) Everything is turning out so dark/(Buffy) Going through the motions/(Spike) No I’ll save her then I’ll kill her
(Willow) I think this lines mostly filler.  


‘Walk Through the Fire’ 

(Buffy) I touch the fire but it freezes me
I look into it and it’s black
Why can’t I feel, my skin should crack and peel
I want the fire back

Now through the smoke she calls to me
To make my way across the flames
To save the day, or maybe melt away
I guess it’s all the same

So I will walk through the fire
Where else can I turn
I will walk through the fire
And let it

(Spike) This tourch I bare is scorching me
Buffy’s laughing I’ve no doubt
I hope she fries, I’m free if that bitch dies
I better help her out

(Sweet) Cause she is drawn to the fire
(Sweet) Some people (Spike) She will never learn
(Sweet and Spike) And she will walk through the fire
And let it

(Giles) Will this do a thing to change her
Am I leaving Dawn in danger
Is my Slayer to far gone to care
(Xander) What if Buffy can’t defeat it
(Anya) Beady eyes is right we’re needed

Or we could just sit around and glare
(All) We’ll see it through, that’s what we’re always here to do
So we will walk through the fire

(Buffy) So one by one they turn from me.
I guess my friends can’t face the cold
(Tara) What can’t we face
(Buffy) Why I froze, not one one among them knows
(Tara) When we’re together
(Buffy) And never can be told.

(Anya) She came from the grave much graver
(Spike) First he’ll kill her then I’ll save her
(Tara) Everything is turning out so dark
(Buffy) Going through the motions
(Spike) No I’ll save her then I’ll kill her
(Willow) I think this lines mostly filler
(Sweet) It’s what they have inside

(Buffy) These endless days are finally ending in a blaze
(All) And we are caught in the fire
The point of no return
So we will walk through the fire
And let it burn
Let it burn
Let it burn, let it burn
(Sweet) Showtime!

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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