New British Werewolf movie looks “Howl-arious”

I thought I would share the trailer for a new British werewolf movie Howl which will be released later this year. As Empire Online points out it is basically werewolves on a train as opposed to snakes on a plane. I think they probably should have refrained from showing you a close-up of the werewolf’s face until you were in the cinema to keep a bit of the surprise and I am a little disappointed with the look of them.

However it is fun to note that the train is the last train departing from Waterloo – a train with which I am very familiar. Once again we are in traditional Big, Bad Wolf territory as the train gets stuck in the woods and civilisation is just out of reach.

The lead character is played by Ed Speleers who starred in Love Bite (2012) which was so very, very bad. It revolved around a werewolf who only ate virgins in some kind of twist on Cherry Falls (2000) and Hammer Horror vampires. Oh and there was an exotic and mysterious werewolf-hunter. And a sensitive guy with a great relationship with his mum. And a lad’s lad who liked bants. And it ended with twist in the tail. I recommend watching it with a group of friends for the comedy value alone but definitely the kind of friends who understand your penchant for terrible horror movies.

I did note that the train driver for Howl is played by Sean Pertwee who was in the brilliant Dog Soldiers (2002) which has to be up there as one of my favourite interpretations of the werewolf in film. The directorPaul Hyett, also worked with Neil Marshall who directed Dog Soldiers amongst other horror films. So, fingers crossed Hyett can do something original with this movie.

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0 Responses to New British Werewolf movie looks “Howl-arious”

  1. Anything with a Pertwee has my vote – I figure Sean is son of John Pertwee of Dr Who and Worzel Gummidge fame (a childhood favourite)!

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