Look out the window – it’s a Harvest Moon

If you haven’t already, I urge you to look outside at the full moon tonight. It’s a special one because for the first time since 2009 the Harvest Moon has fallen in October. The Harvest Moon is the full moon which falls closest to the autumn equinox and usually this happens in September. However, this year the autumn equinox was on 22 September making the October full moon closer than the one in September.

The Harvest Moon is, apparently, so called because its light allowed farmers to take in the last of their crops before the nights became too short and dark. (It should not be confused with the Harvest from Buffy the Vampire Slayer which occurs every century on the first crescent moon following the summer or winter solstice, and allows a master vampire to absorb energy from one of his minions as they feed).

Regardless of the meaning behind this moon, it’s the perfect excuse to listen to a lycanthropic anthem. And in that vein, for your delight and delectation, may I suggest TV on the Radio’s ‘Wolf Like Me’.

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