Angel Calendar #FebruaryAngels

Thanks to everyone who is contributing to OGOM’s collaboration with Folklore Film Festival on #FebruaryAngels. You can view our glorious and heavenly Angelic Moment here and contribute to it daily throughout the month.

The Book of Hours, the devotional book made popular in the middle ages, uses angels and archangels in interesting ways, associating them with daily, weekly, and monthly calendars of worship. I like a good list so I wanted to share these angel emblems and provide you with a Calendar of Angels:

Angels For the Months of the Year

January: Gabriel; February: Barchiel; March: Machidiel; April: Asmodel; May: Ambriel; June: Muriel; July: Verchiel; August: Hamaliel; September: Uriel; October: Barbiel; November: Adnachiel; December: Anael

The Seven Archangels as related to the Seven Days of the Week

Gabriel (Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday), Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel or Jegudiel (Friday), Barachiel (Saturday), Michael (Sunday).

Angel of the Month

Barchiel (invariably spelled Barakiel, Barkiel, Barbiel), is the Angel of the Month of February; one of the 7 Archangels, ruler of Jupiter and the month of February, and of the zodiac signs of Scorpio and Pisces.



About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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