A Halloween Recipe: Brain Cake

For anyone who is both saddened by the end of this season of Great British Bake-Off but thrilled at the prospect of Halloween, this cake combines the best of both worlds. It is a Brain Cake made with red velvet cake (the superior choice of cake) and it looks like it shouldn’t be too difficult to make. If you’re planning on being a zombie this Halloween this is the perfect post-partying snack.

It is however absolutely horrific to look at (though I am sure it tastes delicious). So you will need a strong stomach to, well, stomach it.

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0 Responses to A Halloween Recipe: Brain Cake

  1. I wonder if you get the person who made its memories aka Warm Bodies when you eat it….the mind boggles….this looks way too hard for me sadly – think I will be sticking to pumpkin pie…..it looks fantastic though a real zombie showstopper. Think they should have a zombie version of Bakeoff featuring the undead shuffling around the kitchen with Mary Berry:-)

  2. I love the way you categorised this post Body gothic….made me smile:-)

    • firekrank says:

      I hope no-one would get my memories! I really, really want to make this but I am also faintly disgusted by it. They should totally do a dark GBBO – Tamal’s final show stopper was pretty spooky as it was influenced by a deserted Chinese fishing village. And I think we can all agree that Red Velvet cake is the cake of choice for any discerning revenant.

      I’m glad you noticed that I tagged it ‘Body gothic’. It was a bit of an in-joke.

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