White Wolves in and out of the Academy

OGOM is keeping track of wolf related stories ahead of the Being Human Festival in November. I posted earlier that May is the month of the wolf and Dr Catherine Spooner, a plenary at the now legendary Company of Wolves conference  and contributor to the OGOM’s forthcoming book The Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves, and Wild Children – Narratives of Sociality and Animality is giving a talk at London College of Fashion on 22nd of this month entitled ‘Wearing the wolf: fur, fashion and species transvestism’. The talk begins at 6.00 pm and is free but you must book via the event site here 

I have some sad news to add to this unfortunately the BBC have reported that a mature female white wolf has been shot in Yellowstone prompting a 3,500 dollar reward. I have written about my own encounter with Lincoln’s white wolves previously on the blog (see my photo above) and Catherine’s essay for the book has many insights into the symbolism of the white wolf. I learnt recently that Freud’s ‘wolf man’ dreamt only of white wolves (see below). You can see my comments on an exhibition which featured his famous paintings here. 

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to White Wolves in and out of the Academy

  1. firekrank says:

    Oh, that is sad news about the Yellowstone wolf. It’s lovely to see the Lincoln white wolves again. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to see them. It seemed very uncanny and a little odd to see them in the county in which I grew up.

    • Yes, they are quite magnificent. I do associate Lincoln with wolves for some reason. I am sure it must have had some of the last wolves and maybe through Dogdyke! I’d like to research that more. Maybe we should do an exclusive ‘on the trail of’ and take some pics!! British werewolf myths I am very interested in!

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