The Black Vampyre: Gothic Visions of New Worlds #BeingHuman2020

We’re excited to invite you to our forthcoming event to explore Gothic dreams of new worlds and the creatures that inhabit them, notably Mary Shelley’s plague world, John Polidori’s vampyre, the Black Vampyre, and the ghosts of World War 1.

Visit Polidori’s uncanny resting place in a virtual tour of St Pancras Old Church, in the same graveyard where Mary and Percy Shelley’s courtship found life, and contemplate Gothic new worlds via presentations and performances:

‘The Stories Are Begun’ with Marcus Sedgwick (novelist)
‘Gothic Afterworlds’ with Dr Karl Bell (historian)
‘The Romantic vampire and its Progeny’ with Dr Sam George (vampire expert)
‘Enlightenment and its Shadows’ with Dr Bill Hughes (Gothic scholar)

Discover the first black vampire in literature, inspired by Polidori, and pay homage to the famous story-writing contest at the Villa Diodati, writing Gothic flash-fiction in a workshop led by Dr Kaja Franck (literary werewolves) and Daisy Butcher (botanical gothic).

The event is free and online but you need to register and places are selling out fast. To book, please visit our Gothic Dreams of New Worlds page where you will also find resources as background to the event and an inspiration to the stories and flash fiction writing!!

OGOM is proud to launch this event at the Being Human Festival 2020 #GothicVisionsofNewWorlds

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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