Rebellion, treachery, and glamour: Lady Caroline Lamb’s Glenarvon and the Byronic vampire, The Byron Society, 20 April 2022

I was very honoured to be invited by Emily Paterson-Morgan of The Byron Society (@EPatersonMorgan) to give my talk, ‘Rebellion, treachery, and glamour: Lady Caroline Lamb’s Glenarvon and the Byronic vampire’. It’s an expanded version of the talk I gave for our Polidori Symposium in 2019 and will also form part of a chapter in our forthcoming book for Manchester University Press, The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny. I discussed the politics and form of Lamb’s Gothic novel and roman à clef (a fabulous novel which deserves more attention) and its relation to the later Gothic Romances and the Paranormal Romances of our own time, particularly in regard to the brooding, dangerous, vampiric lover modelled on Byron.

Sam and I had a lovely evening with the friendly and appreciative guests and members of the society. (Pictures courtesy of Emily via her Tweets.)

A number of people couldn’t make it to the talk and have asked for transcripts so I have made the talk and slides available from our Resources page (along with other past talks) here.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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