Polidori Vampyre 200 Booking

Booking for the symposium for the bicentenary of John Polidori’s The Vampyre is now open–click here. It’s going to be a fabulous event: have a look here for full details and here for the programme of brilliant speakers.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to Polidori Vampyre 200 Booking

  1. Daryl Wor says:

    Thank you very much. I knew I wanted to look into this back history further, but this was a potent reminder who the writer was and where it formulated. I definitely found an audio version of the story and will listen soon. I’m also tickled that there is a conference about 200 years after a previous conference of sorts in story telling.

    I read this article allowed to my husband here as I was so glad to see it. He was surprised “Interview…” was from 1976 and I told him Louis was the reason why I understood other sympathetic/reluctant vampires so well, but that even then I felt a more fun exposure to that had come sooner as I watched “Love At First Bite” many times prior to reading Rice’s book. Cheers.

    • William the Bloody says:

      Thanks, Daryl. Great observation about the dialogic nature of the Villa Diodati event as conference! We hope our will be as inspired! Do try and come along–you’d be very welcome

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