Men in the Moon: The Ideas and Correspondence of H.G. Wells and Sir Winston Churchill
Churchill War Rooms, Clive Steps, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AQ
21 September 2019
Keynote Speakers: Richard Jones, Professor Michael Smith, and Professor Richard Toye, University of Exeter.
The year 2019 marks the anniversary of the first draft of Churchill’s essay, Are We Alone in Space? (1939), which was closely preceded by Orson Welles’s broadcast of The War of the Worlds. ‘I read everything you write,’ Churchill told Wells with whom he shared a passion for science fiction, scientific discovery and a concern over the impact of technological advances on warfare and the future of mankind. This conference is set against a backdrop of ever-changing London, the city with which Wells and Churchill are closely linked, a place of visions, nightmares and dreams.