Gothic Manchester Festival 2015, 23 October 2015, John Rylands Library, Manchester

The third Gothic Manchester Festival looks very exciting–music, art, events, films, Gothic reading, and a one-day conference (where I will be giving a paper). And it takes place in the beautiful neo-Gothic John Rylands Library.

Following the success of the past two years, the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies is delighted to welcome you to the third Gothic Manchester Festival. This year’s programme of events opens with the launch of an exhibition by the Manchester Gothic Arts Group. On Friday, amidst the gothic splendour of the John Rylands Library, Twisted Tales of the Weird presents a reading by esteemed weird authors, including the supremely talented MJ Harrison, followed by ArA – a Goth club night in a church. Saturday is devoted to a one-day conference at Number 70 Oxford Street (formerly Cornerhouse) on the theme ‘What Lies Beneath’ – in which authors and academics present their work on the horrific world that exists behind the surface of our lives. On Saturday evening, in collaboration with Grimm Up North, we are delighted to present a double bill of films introduced by Hollywood horror legend director Brian Yuzna. Sunday sees a tour of Manchester’s subterranean spaces in the morning, with the Cottonopolis Coglective presenting an afternoon of steampunk delights at the John Rylands Library. The festival closes on Sunday night at Hold Fast Bar in the Northern Quarter with a suitably subterranean pub quiz. Join us for an eclectic collection of entertaining, thought-provoking and occasionally downright disturbing events!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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